Update 10:44 - March 28, 2022

Introduction Marine transport plays a vital role in global trade. Each year around 90% of global trade, approximately 11 billion tons of cargo, is transported by sea. [1]A Press Release by World Bank, “Digitalizing the Maritime Sector Set to Boost the Competitiveness and Resilience of Global Trade,” The World Bank (worldbank.org), Jan. 21, 2021. However, […]

Update 13:10 - March 01, 2022

In a move to strengthen their team, Harvardy, Marieta & Mauren – Attorneys at Law (“HMM Attorneys”) on March 1, 2022 have effectively named two new Partners to contribute to HMM Attorneys expanding range of expertise. The decision was in line with HMM Attorneys’ expansion plan to address the market players’ growing demand for various […]

Update 10:20 - January 05, 2022

2021 came to an end. Seeing our calendars dotted with success, we know deep down, that our accomplishments were possible only because of the trust of our clients and the dedication of our team. Stepping into the beginning of a new year, we hope that we can give more successful and good legal services to […]

Update 13:44 - April 01, 2019

Memasuki tahun ke-20, HMM Attorneys menilai, sudah saatnya UU Arbitrase diamandemen untuk diharmonisasikan dengan praktik arbitrase secara global.   Sejak diundangkan pada tanggal 12 Agustus 1999 melalui UU No. 30 tahun 1999 tentang Arbitrase dan Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa (UU Arbitrase), arbitrase sebagai alternatif penyelesaian sengketa menjadi lebih diminati oleh kalangan pebisnis. Adanya kebutuhan bagi dunia […]

Update 20:42 - May 14, 2018

Ilustrasi: HGW Tak cukup dengan modal nilai akademik yang didapatkan dari kampus hukum. Seleksi meliputi aspek pengetahuan hukum, kemampuan berbahasa asing, keterampilan bernalar, dan kepribadian sekaligus. Survei yang Hukumonline dan Youth Manual lakukan kali ini tak hanya menggali informasi soal kampus-kampus hukum mana yang menjadi kampus hukum terfavorit dari firma hukum besar Indonesia. Survei juga […]

Update 20:13 - May 14, 2018

Acara Workshop Hukumonline yang bertajuk Digital Branding Strategy for Law, Selasa (27/2) lalu. Foto: HOL Untuk memperkuat taringnya di industri jasa hukum, sudah saatnya law firm lokal mendiferensiasi jasa yang ditawarkan melalui digital branding hingga membentuk divisi business development. Bruce Stachenfeld, Managing partner sebuah firma hukum terkemuka di kota New York mengungkapkan rahasia keberhasilan firma […]